It has been another wonderful couple of months in the Caterpillar room. We have some fantastic and lovely new friends who are all settling in well and making friends of their own.
This month we have been focusing on our numbers, alphabet and our colours. We have been doing things like singing songs, craft each day and programming activities based on these encourages them to learn about these things. Some of our Caterpillar friends have visited different places such as the beach and the zoo. This inspired our class to do activites based on these. A big favourite was the sea creatures in the jelly bath. The children made the sharks and turtles swim. This was also a great sensory activity that the children got to experience. We would like to thank the parents that have volunteered their time in helping in our learning.
We ask if parents could please tell the teachers about any new activities that the children have been doing over the weekend or have taken a new interest in, so we are able to record it and base activities on them so we can expand their learning. As a friendly reminder we would like to please remind all parents to label their children’s belongings.
Sarah 🙂
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